CCC Founding Feathers
Zoom Panel Discussion
March 2021
Photo: 1996, CCC 20th Anniversary party.
CCC Members:
Back row (left to right): June Malin, Rosie Kelly, Mike Kecseg, Peggy Eisen, Ann Currie, Jim Chin, Bob Borja, Art Banach, Irene St. John, Nicole Hollander, Rick Jablonski, Kathy Mandell, Ellen Mott-Jablonski, Muriel Underwood.
Front row (left to right): John Weber, April O'Connor, Peter Fraterdeus, Reggie Ezell, David Hayes, Mark McIntyre, Moira Collins, Tom Greensfelder.
How did our ‘Founding Feathers’ start the CCC 45 years ago??? No Google, no internet, not even email! What did they envision for our calligraphy guild? Watch the Zoom video to hear stories of the early days and hear their thoughts about the CCC’s history and future possibilities!
Panel of Visionaries: Tim Botts, Reggie Ezell, Tom Greensfelder, Mike Kecseg, Ellen Mott-Jablonski, Pam Paulsrud, Val Weilmuenster and Bob Williams.